Brunswick understands the impact its business has on the world and the opportunities we have to lead the way in sustainable, responsible practices. We are not only committed to meeting our fiscal responsibilities, but also to developing and manufacturing products that are safe, responsible, and supportive of enjoyment and quality of life. The Sustainability Report describes Brunswick’s efforts regarding environmental, social and governance performance.
Energy - Responsible Consumption of Energy
Measure and monitor our consumption of energy while making efforts to reduce the amount & cost of energy used on both a per unit of output basis as well as on an absolute basis. Over time, we will target a transition to renewable sources, when and if justified.
Environment - Caring for the Environment
Measure and responsibly manage the yield of materials used in our processes and minimize the creation and disposition of waste materials and emissions while preserving natural resources (air, water, etc.) with the goal to reduce the amount of waste created or resources consumed on both a per unit of output basis as well as on an absolute basis.
Products - Stewardship
Minimize and over time, reduce the impact on the environment in the production, use and disposition of our products. Develop products that lead to an improved environmental footprint through their life cycle.
People - Quality of Life for All Stakeholders
Improve the health, safety and well-being of our employees and community.
Promote the safe and responsible use of our products by our customers.
Make the communities where our products are made and used better because we’re there.

At Brunswick, we encourage the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, and responsible business practices, as well as corporate governance because we understand that doing so is essential to creating and sustaining long-lasting value for our stakeholders.
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